quinta-feira, 4 de julho de 2019

Publicado no álbum Blog Mundo de Músicas da conta Pinterest do blog Mundo de Músicas em https://ift.tt/2bc8qhE

Blog Mundo de Músicas: Go without a coat when its cold find out what cold is. Go hungry; keep your existence lean. Wear away the fat. Get down to the lean tissue and see what its all about . The only time you define your character is when you go without. In times of hardship you find out what your made of and what youre capable of. If youre never tested youll never define your character. >> Mais sobre #LendasdaMúsica no e-book gratuito que pode descarregar a partir do link na bio @mundodemusicas #musica #musicnews #in https://ift.tt/2JssjDR

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